"As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
Joshua 24: 15
Sometimes it can feels like God is taking forever to accomplish things in my life. Like my hair that can't grow fast enough, God doesn't always do things according to my timing. I'm ready to be a perfectly patient mother TODAY! I'm ready to not struggle with self-doubt and insecurities. And I'm more than ready to be a better house keeper, more loving wife, and better friend. I struggle with the pressure of having everything figured out right NOW (if not yesterday). But I'm realizing this is just another journey, and little by little...sometimes so little I hardly notice...I'm becoming the woman God created me to be, with the faith, trust, and love for Him that he destined all mankind should have. It's like my hair...day to day it feels like it's not growing and that it will take forever to grow out. But when I put the pictures of the last seven months in a row I can see where I've been, how far I've come, and that eventually I WILL reach my goals.

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