"As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
Joshua 24: 15

Annual Egg Dying

You know the saying..."While the Cat is Away the Mouse will Play"...well for Jadon during the Egg dying it was..."While the family is busy and not watching me, I will play and get into everything" And that he did while we colored eggs to our hearts content...he wriggled his way in to the big kids' craft bin and went to town.

"Oh no, found out by Aunt Jennifer...why you gotta ruin my fun like that?"
Ethan is an old pro this year and thought he was beyond supervision. But his eyes were to big for our mess level...he was wanting to dye 10 different eggs at a time and had to be monitored closely to make sure he didn't dye all the eggs at once without giving anyone else a chance.

Christlyn's so proud of herself. And quite the pro at age 5 that she was able to dye eggs unsupervised and she was able to come up with some pretty unique colors and designs...anything her little mind could come up with she tried.

What Fun...Can't wait till 2009!!!

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